I obviously can't keep my promises so how could I possibly be capable of sticking to any resolutions either?! I promised to blog at least once a week...yeah, right! All I can say is that I'll do my best in the new year!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
So it's been a while...
No, we haven't dropped off the face of the earth. We've stayed very busy with all the usual fall festivities. We enjoyed having Uncle Lynn and Aunt Bri Bri in for a few days, had a great Halloween, and have missed Dada being around. Marty is currently in Nevada, has already made one brief trip to Afghanistan, and will be home for Thanksgiving and then again for Christmas (we are very much looking forward to the holidays!) Anne and I have been managing pretty well on our own, although we're dreading the cold weather coming. I'm okay with raking leaves, but snow is a different story! Marty isn't known for doing much (errr...anything?) when it comes to housework, but he's always been good about the snow. I suppose I have no choice this year! Anyway, I'll just post some of my favorite pics from this fall. I'll also try to start posting at least a couple times a week from now on...but I'm not making any promises!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A Yam Winner
No, I didn't win any sweet potatoes. It's just my name scrambled. Got an email from my sister today with the link: http://wordsmith.org/anagram/advanced.html Pretty funny for some names. Anyhoo, I'm very tired and MUST go to bed early. Anne fell asleep in the car on the way home from storytime tonight. It was the first night of Pajama-Rama at the Grosse Pointe Woods Library. Unfortunately, it just wasn't Anne's cup of tea tonight. She went in with her jammies on and Growlers (her tiger) under her arm and found her cute little nametag. She took two steps into the storytime room and lost her mind! She cried and screamed until I took her out! So we listened to stories from outside the door and peeked through the glass at the other kids. Maybe she'll be up for it next week. We'll see!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Under the weather
Poor Anne was sick all weekend. And of course, it rained and rained and rained. You'd think I could get some cleaning and organizing done, but not so much. I HAVE made some progress, which I'll try to post about another day, but it's almost 11 pm and I have to get up at 5:30 am (well, maybe 6 if I don't care what I look like tomorrow--but middle school kids notice EVERYTHING about your clothes, hair, make-up, etc. believe it or not). I'll just post a couple pics of Anne with her 103 temp on the couch, waiting for Grammy and Grand Dad to come over and babysit on Saturday. Marty's friends had a very nice "Going Away" party for him that night, so Mom, Dad, and Nanny came over to sit. Anne actually looks pretty good for being sick, I think! Okay, the Marts wants me off the computer...fantasy football's going well tonight apparently.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
A new goal
Yes, I'm still alive! No, I'm (obviously) not good at keeping up with things, such as blogging, among many, many other aspects of my life, during the school year. The beginning of the school year is always an adjustment and a little hectic but I'm hoping in the next week or so I will be feeling a little less stressed. I actually committed myself to a new goal this weekend. I am such an incredibly disorganized person, which brings on unnecessary stress, I've found. Therefore, my new goal is to become more organized in every way I can! Sounds simple enough, right? We'll see. The main things I need to work on are how I organize my time, meal planning & shopping, house cleaning, and paperwork. I am SO sick of CLUTTER! I really feel like I need to strip my house from top to bottom and go through every drawer and cupboard and closet and just get rid of stuff! I actually was online last night googling about organizing and de-cluttering and cleaning and I got a lot of good ideas. I'll let everyone know how this goes as I begin organizing my life! Sounds exciting, doesn't it?! Ha ha!
Anne is doing just great and seems very happy at Aunt Jane's while Marty and I are at work. She does tell me "I miss you Mama" sometimes which I love! She's also been very friendly lately, greeting people when we're out on walks: "Hi, my name's Annie." She'll say this to Marty sometimes, too, though, which is kind of funny.
Part of being more organized is getting myself to bed on time, so goodnight!
Anne is doing just great and seems very happy at Aunt Jane's while Marty and I are at work. She does tell me "I miss you Mama" sometimes which I love! She's also been very friendly lately, greeting people when we're out on walks: "Hi, my name's Annie." She'll say this to Marty sometimes, too, though, which is kind of funny.
Part of being more organized is getting myself to bed on time, so goodnight!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Another birthday and my last week of freedom
I obviously wasn't too interested in blogging this week, much less doing anything productive. I officially start work next week (three teacher days, Mon. through Wed.) and I just wanted to be as lazy as possible before things get hectic again. I honestly don't understand how people with "normal" jobs do it...I love that there's always an end in sight with the conclusion of one school year and then a fresh start in the Fall. Nothing beats two solid months of being able to get up after the sun comes up!
I celebrated my 31st birthday on Monday. Anyone who knows me well knows that I have always loved my birthday! I think it's mostly because it's the one day of the year that I don't let myself feel at all guilty for doing whatever I want (being lazy, for instance). I had a nice day with Anne and LOVED that she could sing "Happy Birthday to Mama" this year! I even videotaped her singing it!!! Mom and Dad came over for cake & ice cream and Anne enjoyed cooking play-doh muffins and hot-dogs with Grammy. Dada had to do the official taste-testing, of course!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Family Trip to the Zoo
Marty took off of work yesterday and we finally took a family trip to the zoo. It was a beautiful day! Anne wanted to walk rather than be in the stroller, so much of the trip was spent saying, "Let's go Anne" and "Watch where you're walking Anne" rather than actually looking at the animals. She had a couple of tantrums, of course, probably because she had woken up too early that day. Overall, it was a fun day though. Anne's favorite things about the trip were definitely crawling up into the prairie dog tubes and following the elephant tracks (which never lead to an elephant that I know of...pretty sure there aren't any at the Detroit Zoo)! I personally loved the goofy aardvark who was digging like crazy. Marty enjoyed himself complaining about how the animals are all sleeping. But the really exciting (although unfortunate) part of the trip was actually on the drive home. A tire came off of the truck next to us and literally bounced about ten times all the way across 696E over to the 696W side and then back again! It was one of the craziest things I've ever seen and we couldn't believe it didn't kill someone! My Fusion has a big ol' dent in the hood from a bolt that flew off, I'm guessing. Wonderful. Anyway, here are the zoo pics and some pics I took of my new classroom. I went into work two days this past week (what torture!) and got most of my boxes unpacked. Will need at least one day next week to finish setting up. At least it is a huge room, has windows, and I have my own refrigerator, oven & stove, and dishwasher!!!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I am officially a horrible mother!!! Anne and I were having a very nice day...grocery shopping in the morning, a long walk around the block, nap, then a trip to the Pier to swim in the baby pool. So, she is very into trying to float, as she discovered she could do on her belly in the bathtub a couple days ago. Of course, she wanted to practice this in the baby pool, too, and liked going in deeper than usual, about up to her elbows. Well, we were the only ones in the pool, so it wasn't like it was hard to keep an eye on her, but before I knew it I glanced away for a second and when I looked back her head was under the water! The lifeguard and I jumped up at the same time and I grabbed her because I was pretty much right next to her. I felt pretty dumb that the 18-year-old lifeguard had to try to help me "rescue" my daughter in the baby pool. Anyhow, she didn't choke or anything so maybe she held her breath for a couple seconds. She cried for a minute (I think because the lifeguard and I scared her!) and then she kept saying "open eyes" and "I see blue". Then she was right back in the water. No big deal to her, thank goodness. Anyway, that was today's only excitement. Oh, that is unless you count sitting on the potty for an hour at bedtime (Anne, not me, just to clarify). I am not gung-ho on potty training but Anne is all about it at 8 pm. Well, since I don't have any pictures of the "near-drowning" from today, here are some pictures from yesterday. We went on a walk to the coffee shop where she played and then had fun jumping all the way home. Jumping is her absolute favorite pastime, now that she gets good air. Also, yesterday was her first day in pigtails (after a fight, let me tell you).
Friday, August 8, 2008
Oh my gosh! Cute!
Not much else new around here. Feels like summer is already coming to an end though. I'll probably go into work next week to start setting up my brand new classroom at our brand new school. Well, sort of brand new. It kinda sat there for a year or so because the district wanted to save money. Anyhow, lots of work ahead of me there...
Oh, and just for you Briana, because I know you're the biggest fan of my blog: Anne couldn't get enough croutons today! I thought you'd appreciate that information. I think she would love to see a blog about you and Uncle Lynn--what's the delay?!
Monday, August 4, 2008
I DON'T!!!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Furt Ons
Anne just woke up from her nap asking for "furt ons". After a few minutes, I figured it out: squirt guns!
Playing squirt guns with Grammy!
Anne seems to be feeling a bit better today, although Daddy is still pretty queasy. Hopefully he'll still have fun on his trip up north with the guys this weekend.
Mama & Anne hung out with Grammy today. Our $1.00 pack of squirt guns from Walmart was a big hit even though it was way past naptime and her crankiness was increasing by the second. She sure had fun squirting us and watering the flowers, too.

Mama & Anne hung out with Grammy today. Our $1.00 pack of squirt guns from Walmart was a big hit even though it was way past naptime and her crankiness was increasing by the second. She sure had fun squirting us and watering the flowers, too.
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