Monday, September 15, 2008

Under the weather

Poor Anne was sick all weekend. And of course, it rained and rained and rained. You'd think I could get some cleaning and organizing done, but not so much. I HAVE made some progress, which I'll try to post about another day, but it's almost 11 pm and I have to get up at 5:30 am (well, maybe 6 if I don't care what I look like tomorrow--but middle school kids notice EVERYTHING about your clothes, hair, make-up, etc. believe it or not). I'll just post a couple pics of Anne with her 103 temp on the couch, waiting for Grammy and Grand Dad to come over and babysit on Saturday. Marty's friends had a very nice "Going Away" party for him that night, so Mom, Dad, and Nanny came over to sit. Anne actually looks pretty good for being sick, I think! Okay, the Marts wants me off the computer...fantasy football's going well tonight apparently.


Jennifer said...

I love that second picture! When does Marty leave?

thesandris said...

Poor Anne. At least she doesn't look miserable. She does look pretty good and cute as always!