Saturday, August 23, 2008

Another birthday and my last week of freedom

I obviously wasn't too interested in blogging this week, much less doing anything productive. I officially start work next week (three teacher days, Mon. through Wed.) and I just wanted to be as lazy as possible before things get hectic again. I honestly don't understand how people with "normal" jobs do it...I love that there's always an end in sight with the conclusion of one school year and then a fresh start in the Fall. Nothing beats two solid months of being able to get up after the sun comes up!
I celebrated my 31st birthday on Monday. Anyone who knows me well knows that I have always loved my birthday! I think it's mostly because it's the one day of the year that I don't let myself feel at all guilty for doing whatever I want (being lazy, for instance). I had a nice day with Anne and LOVED that she could sing "Happy Birthday to Mama" this year! I even videotaped her singing it!!! Mom and Dad came over for cake & ice cream and Anne enjoyed cooking play-doh muffins and hot-dogs with Grammy. Dada had to do the official taste-testing, of course!


Jennifer said...

Awww, that meal looks yummy! Enjoy your last few days with no students!!!

thesandris said...

Happy birthday Erin! Did you get my phone message last week??

Clark Family said...

Happy belated Birthday!!!

Kristin said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

Kristin said...

Hi Erin!

I just wanted to let you know that I set my blog to private so if you can't see it, I just need your email address. Hope everything is well! :)