I guess I thought Anne would just give up the diapers on her own and I wouldn't really have to potty "train" her. No such luck. She's just learned to change her own pull-up (for pee pee) and tells me "This is not going to be good!" when she comes to me to change one for number two. She is now 3 years and 2 months old so I know there is no question of her being capable or ready. So yesterday I finally got really frustrated when she was stalling and refusing to change altogether. I grabbed the bag of diapers and ran (well, went very quickly...I AM 8 1/2 months pregnant!) downstairs and told her Daddy was going to take the diapers across the street to baby Jacqueline who is one. I told Anne she could have a pull-up at nighttime but that's it and got some underpants out of her drawer to choose from. She threw a pathetic FIT!!! For about an hour, she threw herself around and screamed and asked where the diapers were. She put the underwear away and refused to put those on. After a few episodes in time out to cool down and some cuddling and crying dramatically in my arms, she broke down and put the underwear on. I had a coupon to Sanders so we went and got an ice cream and then went to the tot lot. She peed on the toilet when we got home and then two more times before bed. However, she kept reassuring herself that "Maybe tomorrow I can wear a diaper." So we'll see how today goes...
Didn't take any pics during the drama yesterday, so I'll just post some pics from up North that I like. I took SO many pics this summer as usual! The caricature will be hanging at the cottage alongside one of Nicole and Mark. We had these done at the art fair that was in town. Anne is screaming and crying in the one in front of the cottage (note to self: Get a good family pic in front of the cottage next year while everyone is in a good mood, not one minute before leaving to come home). Love the Annie-sandcastle pics myself!
Oh, the news on the baby coming...c-section is tentatively scheduled for Sept. 17th. Had an ultrasound last week because doc wanted to check baby's wait gain and the fluid. All was fine, baby was almost 6 lbs. so if I go close to the due date should be at least 7 lbs. or so (Anne was 7 lbs. 5 oz.). I thought this one was going to be an 8-pounder but guess not (not that I'm complaining)!
Now to find something to do today with Anne for my LAST DAY OFF, boo hoo! Have three teacher days this week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) and then kids start next Tuesday. I realize I will not be working much this Fall but I still dread starting anyway!

I love the picture of Anne screaming in front of the house! She is adorable!
And September 17th is my anniversary and I think it would be a good birthday for baby (boy) W.
The family photo is great! Anne is screaming and you have a huge smile on your face! I love how moms can just block that out!!
I hope she's adjusting well to her new routine! Sounds like she did good for her first day!
I'm not a mother, but when they start telling you "this is not going to be good" for poopy diaper changes, it's about time for the potty!
Oh, and confession: I cried over the photobucket album you sent yesterday. so cute.
I sent Erin an email saying how it made me all teary-eyed too! I love that book!!
Cute pictures! I was wondering if you had a date yet. Seems silly to even go to work for a few days and then be off for the baby. Good luck!! I'll be waiting for the news! And you are brave buying a second house! More cleaning, fixing and paying. It is very cute though. And being a teacher you can spend your WHOLE summer there. That's cool!
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