Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Playdate with Lucas

A couple weeks ago, I called my friend Jen and told her I'd be over that evening to play on her son's new swingset. I suppose I was kidding at first, but I ended up packing the kids up and making the trip out to Jen and her husband Bryan's BEAUTIFUL house in Macomb. Maybe it was rude to invite myself over (especially on a week night--I forget not everyone has summers off as I do!) but I could not resist. I mean, look at Lucas. He is the sweetest thing (next to Marty Jr. of course)! Anne got a kick out of watching him tumble around on the trampoline and she LOVED his playroom upstairs. We hope to have Lucas over to play with us soon...give me a call Jen! Any interest in the splash pad and baby pool at the Farms Pier?? Let me know a weekend you're available!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Yes, we want to go to the Splash Pad for sure! Name a day!!!