No, we haven't dropped off the face of the earth. We've stayed very busy with all the usual fall festivities. We enjoyed having Uncle Lynn and Aunt Bri Bri in for a few days, had a great Halloween, and have missed Dada being around. Marty is currently in Nevada, has already made one brief trip to Afghanistan, and will be home for Thanksgiving and then again for Christmas (we are very much looking forward to the holidays!) Anne and I have been managing pretty well on our own, although we're dreading the cold weather coming. I'm okay with raking leaves, but snow is a different story! Marty isn't known for doing much (errr...anything?) when it comes to housework, but he's always been good about the snow. I suppose I have no choice this year! Anyway, I'll just post some of my favorite pics from this fall. I'll also try to start posting at least a couple times a week from now on...but I'm not making any promises!